An Independent Social Investment Fund – £600m in revenue

We conducted an audit and review, strategy development, dissemination and implementation. The work carried out built on their existing activities around DEI. The aim of the review was to present our client with a detailed understanding of the current state of affairs on DEI in the organisation, the resources requirements and culture to deliver the new DEI plan.

We conducted a series of 1-2-1 interviews with staff members in different teams and at different levels in the organisation and finally a focus group conducted with a mixed group of people and a BAME-specific focus group (at the request of the staff members) as part of their efforts to create safe spaces. Taking all the data collected, we were able to provide a report with key recommendations to share internally and with the board.

At the end of the review, we worked with their DEI committee to develop a 5-year diversity action plan as well as a dissemination strategy both internally and externally. We supported them to create a DEI framework they can always come back to when reviewing the action plan. We provided training to the board on how they can support their executives to deliver the strategy.

The organisation is also leading DEI in their sector and has a clear and annual external communication on how they are preforming against their DEI objectives.

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